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Different societies and cultures have their own concepts of time, of the passing of life, of past facts and of history. In societies with a mythical culture, ‘without history’, unfamiliar with writing, time is circular and life is believed to be an eternal repetition of happenings in the remote past as narrated by the myth. Afro-Brazilian religions, constituted from African traditions brought by slaves, still cultivate a notion of time that is very different from “our” time, that of the West and of capitalism (FABIAN, 1985). Because of its link with the notion of life and death and concepts of this world and the next, the notion of time is essential to the constitution of religion.


Afro-Brazilian religions African culture Time Authority

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Biografia do Autor

Dr. Reginaldo Prandi, Universidade de São Paulo

Reginaldo Prandi é professor emérito da Universidade de São Paulo (USP), professor titular sênior do Departamento de Sociologia da mesma universidade, pesquisador 1-A do CNPq e membro do grupo de pesquisa “Diversidade religiosa na sociedade secularizada” do CNPq.

Como Citar
PRANDI, R. Candomblé and time: Concepts of time, knowing and authority, from Africa to Afro-Brazilian religions. Estudos Afro-Brasileiros, v. 3, n. 2, p. 309-358, 9 ago. 2022.


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