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In Brazil, Catholicism has historically been the major religion, Protestants and other faiths being a small minority (CAMARGO, 1973). Within this second group are the socalled Afro-Brazilian cults, which, until the 1930’s, could be included in the category of ethnic religions that preserved the traditions of the former African slaves and their descendants (BASTIDE, 1978 a; CARNEIRO, 1936). These religions existed in different areas of Brazil with different rites and local names derived from diverse African traditions: Candomblé in Bahia3, Xangô in Pernambuco and Alagoas, Tambor de Mina in Maranhão and Pará5, Batuque in Rio Grande do Sul, and Macumba in Rio de Janeiro.


Religiões afro-brasileiras Candomblé African gods

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Biografia do Autor

Dr. Reginaldo Prandi, Universidade de São Paulo

Reginaldo Prandi é professor emérito da Universidade de São Paulo (USP), professor titular sênior do Departamento de Sociologia da mesma universidade, pesquisador 1-A do CNPq e membro do grupo de pesquisa “Diversidade religiosa na sociedade secularizada” do CNPq.

Como Citar
PRANDI, R. African Gods in contemporary Brazil: A sociological introduction to Candomblé today. Estudos Afro-Brasileiros, v. 3, n. 1, p. 235-284, 9 ago. 2022.


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